Well, spruiking myself is not my strong point, but here goes!
My name is Jules Campbell (technically Julia, but not many people call me that these days). I am a graphic designer in love with all things branding & small biz.
I have been in awe of the small business world ever since I ticked the “Business Studies” class on my electives list, in Year 10 no less!
But even earlier than that, I was guilty of starting my own "restaurant" at home with serious menus and a really great name - obviously - "Jules Rules Ok Restaurant". Eek! I forced my family to endure plenty of awkward pretend-restaurant moments in this most excellent restaurant of mine.
So I think it's safe to say the entrepreneur in me is equal parts excited/terrified at having my very own biz right here.
It me, hair & make up better than usual (don’t be fooled!). Photographed by the beautiful Gemma Carr, who I am now also very proud to call one of my favourite clients.
Now that I'm all grown up (kinda) and I have a little fam of my own, my “why” is my passion to help other people see how amazing they are.
I have travelled my own journey of self doubt & imposter-syndrome (and I will always be a work in progress). But once I got out of my own very self-critical way & started believing in myself, I started to see things change for the better, in my personal life & business.
So something that brings me JOY is helping others see a side of themselves that they may not have seen before.
And from then on, they can confidently put themselves out in the world as the brilliant, authentic, whole-hearted person that they are. This brings me so much hand-on-heart happiness that is hard to describe in one paragraph.
Also me, but the unstyled version with less make up and of course carrying a huge mum bag with four thousand snacks & water bottles, while berry picking with my fave lil people Olive & Jimmy. My husb Alan was sneakily taking this photo without our knowledge which I LOVE! #proofofmum
I also have 2 little people in my life who have also led me to this biz of mine. I made the nerve-racking decision to go back to being a student to study Graphic Design in 2017 when they were 4 & 2 years old, in an attempt to ditch the 9-5.
The idea was to create a flexible work life for me, which in turn hopefully means a better life for them, while still being able to do something that I completely enjoy & thrive on.
They are now both in primary school, and I love that I get to see them way more than I would have in a corporate role. I get to squeeze them at the kiss & drop gate at school & watch them run out of their classroom at pick up. Of course this comes with trade-off’s, but it feels right for me & my little fam at the moment. I am doing me, and I hope you are doing you!
My faves *a bit chilly, somewhere in South Australia. Not so sad to be chilly though, because we were on a life-changing half lap around our beautiful country!

It me again, at a biz retreat that I collaborated on in 2023. I loved helping six amazing women design their branded socials this weekend. Photo by the lovely Fiona Sexton.
It sounds cliche I know, but I put my heart and soul into any work I take on. I don't know another non-cliche way to put it!
I will happily immerse myself in your business like it is my own. I love hearing about how businesses start, the WHY, your goals, what is driving you - none of this will ever be boring for me. I am inspired by other businesses so much, and will feel extremely lucky to be a small part of yours.
I care deeply about authenticity, honesty & kindness. These pillars have always been the foundation of this little biz of mine, from day one.
But that's well enough about me... what is your story?
I will always, always prefer to talk about you than me! I LOVE small biz stories especially. Or maybe you don't have one... and just want to say hi and chat about life. Either way, messages of ANY kind will be welcomed with a lot of joy - as I love connecting with new like-minded humans.